I have always been suspicious of cold soups...just doesn't seem right...but during the heat wave of this July, I took a crack at a chilled soup, made with seasonal canteloupe and I was pretty impressed with myself!
It was so simple too!
-1 medium, ripe canteloupe
-2 or 3 cups plain sparkling water
-8 thin slices of prosciutto
-cracked white pepper
-chopped basil to garnish (optional)
-Cube the melon and put the cubes in a food processor in batches until smooth
-Pour the melon puree into a large tupperware or bowl, gently mix in the sparkling water
-Crisp the prosciutto in a pan and crumble over the soup in each bowl, right before serving
-Garnish with crushed white pepper to taste & perhaps a pinch of chopped basil
Serves 4, oh so refreshingly!