Sunday, March 23, 2014

Super Cookies!

They're not so much cookies as much as they are energy bar nuggets.  

No flour.  No sugar.  No butter.  No bad stuff at all!

I've seem a lot of "cookie" recipes floating around where you use banana and oats and chocolate chips.  But that just wasn't good enough for me.  I've been focusing on eating more plant-based fat (helps with hair and skin cells and satiety, etc.) and so I pulled out all the stops for these tasty little guys.

And my man LOVES them.  I put a bunch on a plate to take a photo and I kept having to stay, "No!  Don't eat them yet!  Wait for the photo!"  Within about 60 seconds of the photo above, they were demolished :)

--1 cup oats
--1/3 c unsweetened shredded coconut
--¼ t salt
--Generous dashes of (in order of descending quantity) ground cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg, cloves
--½ c of Almond Meal/Flour (Bob’s Red Mill)
--1 T roasted sesame seeds
--2 T sunflower seeds
--1T chia seeds
--3 T raw cacao nibs (available at Whole Foods)

Stir together.

In a small bowl microwave these together for about a minute and pour over the dry ingredients:
--¼ c coconut oil
--1 T almond butter

--2 bananas
Have these pre-mashed and immediately add to everything above (before the coconut oil solidifies again...)

This should be enough so everything is just incorporated, it will take some serious stirring.  If you think you need more liquid, even after a diligent effort, don't be ashamed to  add:
--1-2 T milk

Use a teaspoon to make tiny cookies and place on a cookie sheet over parchement paper.

Bake at 350 until golden brown on the bottom and edges, maybe 15 minutes.

I made 28 small cookies, which my math says to be:
70cal, 5 fat, 2 protein, 1 sugar (from the bananas)

You can, of course, use mini chocolate chips instead of cacao nibs, but I love the intense dark chocolate flavor of the nibs and since cacao nibs are a whole food, there is no added sugar or sugar substitutes.

1 comment:

  1. These are a little more family friendly (read: "tasty") albeit a little less Super--

    3/4 cups Almond Flour/ almond meal
    1/2c oat flour, or oats pulsed in a food processor
    1T coconut oil, softened
    1 ripe banana
    1 Tablespoons pure maple syrup
    1/8 teaspoon sea salt
    1/4 teaspoon baking soda
    1 teaspoons vanilla extract
    ¼ c chocolate chips

    350, 10-15 min
