Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Deviled Avocado Eggs

I cannot claim to have made this one up, although it has me written all over it!  This recipe and image has been WIDELY shared on Facebook, and I am saving it here for reference because my sweetie wants me to make them for him :)  He's only just coming around to eating egg yolks... so I'm happy to encourage him!

Hard boil and cool 6 eggs.

Mash 1 large, ripe avocado with 3 egg yolks from 6 hard boiled eggs (use the other three yolks for something else...). 

Add 1 tsp. cilantro, 3 tsp lime juice, 1 tbsp red onion, and a pinch of salt and pepper

Top with a sprinkle of chili or paprika.

Serve on a lovely platter.

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